Posted on by Oran

If you’re tantalised by big fat, bong-drenched riffs that would make Kirk Windstein’s beard stand to attention, then let us introduce you to Australia’s ‘High As Hell’. These lads have just dropped a single that will require you to reach for your air guitar and crack open a cold one…

Hailing from Victoria, Melbourne, High As Hell are a three-piece that have a lot more under their hood than most realise.

Word on the interwebs is that they also know how to put on a show, as they have been blowing the cobwebs from between peoples earholes for the best part of four years with no fucks given when it comes to trends, fads or your local scooter-riding fuck-head who swears by Icelandic Djent, post-industrial-clown tech metal [you know what I mean!].

High As Hell run with the mantra; “Old School Metal with a New School Attitude” and I tend to agree with them. Imagine a High on FireCrowbar and Down ménage à trois [dry-heave] resulting in a sprog that was christened with Blue Ribbon and week-old bong water? Okay, now you’ve got it!

Check out their video for ‘House of The Holy‘ below;

Their debut album ‘Razorblade Dream‘ is due for release on November 6th. If you like what you hear, then why not support the guys and find out more via this link.

High As Hell are:

Dave Fazza (AKA Fazz Hellman): Guitar and Vocals
Tony Calleja: Bass Guitar
Chris Fittkau: Drums

Oran O’Beirne 2020