Ghost Bath refers to the act of committing suicide by submerging one’s self in a body of water. Ghost Bath writes and creates under the assumption that music is an extension of one’s own soul. They journey through the sorrow and sadness that all lives experience, but leave a glimmer of hope. They portray both deep anguish and angelic soundscapes that are sure to leave an impression on the listener.
Check out the video for “Golden Number” below, which was birthed from a short story written by Nameless. It is an introduction to the band as a whole. Symbolism can be found throughout the video ritual, mainly, the symbolic and literal death of oneself as an ultimate solution to the unrelenting anxieties and stressors of waking life.
Overdrive spoke with Nameless during last year’s Bloodstock Festival, you can access that interview here.
While music pundits and critics the world over fall over themselves trying to label the unique and intriguing sounds contained within The Great Discord’s music. However, the band is more interested in presenting their music to the world, with the hope of making a profound musical connection with the likeminded.
Having been working toward the completion of the record for nearly two years the band have perhaps only just arrived at the beginning, and the ambitiousness of their music is further reflected in their goals. “We obviously want to take over the world,” Kempe smiles. “We really believe in our vision, we really believe in the concept behind everything that we do. We want to entertain people. We want them to come to our shows and experience everything that we have visualised for this band, and we want them to relate to the emotion that we’re putting into our songs, to be able to find something in THE GREAT DISCORD that they cannot find anywhere else.”
For more information on Katatonia / Ghost Bath / The Great Discord, please visit the official event page, which you can find here.
Oran O’Beirne