Posted on by Oran

Nick Holmes, vocalist for Paradise Lost and Bloodbath joins DJ for a chat about his latest project with fellow Paradise Lost guitarist Gregor Mackintosh under the name of HOST, who release their debut full length album ‘IX’ via Nuclear Blast Records on the 24th February.

Carrying on from the concept of the Paradise Lost album Host released back in 1999 but approaching it in a more modern context, combining elements of electro, rock and a whole lot of 80s goth, the album is jam packed with hooks and soaring atmospheres.

Speaking to Overdrive, we asked Nick what when was the idea originally was conceived:
It was about 5 years ago, Greg sent me a little piece of music that I think was the song ‘Instinct’, he sent that and I sort of worked out a melody line for it and we kinda got a song thrown about a little bit, not the full thing but we shelved it then pretty much for at least two years, I think we were writing a new PL album, we went on tour and then we sorta resurrected it agin during the lockdowns.

So, the lockdown enabled us to put the album together, I mean it wasn’t a ‘lockdown project’ but the lockdown certainly helped us pull it off or I don’t think we’d have had the time otherwise

Asked if there are any plans to tour this project or play a one off event:
We haven’t planned anything yet, it’s more a case of watch this space. I don’t just want to rock up to a gig without planning anything, and just go up there, it just won’t work like that so we’d have to spend time doing it. I mean do we get a band? I don’t really want to get a band together, it’d be ending up like Pet Shop Boys or something… Pet Shop Boy’s grandads stood on stage *laughs* but we’re starting to write with PL now , the summer’s not too crazy because were trying to write a new album so, we’ll see what happens

Watch the full interview below:


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IX’ is released via Nuclear Blast Records on the 24th February 2023 worldwide. Order your copy here. Access our review of the album here.

DJ Pennell 2023