Imagine a hybrid of Clutch, Misfits, The Camps, Radkey, Ramones and you’ll be somewhere in their vicinity. Following their latest romp, ‘Video Nasty‘, the, now, five-piece are gearing up for their next studio release, including a killer headline show this weekend in Dublin’s Soundhouse this Friday, July 28th.
First off, let’s talk abut a follow up to 2021’s “Video Nasty” album. Where are you with new music?
NEIL – With regards new music we have the new album written, we expect to be hitting Trackmix with Michael again, hopefully in time for the Halloween release! The working title is ‘Satanic Panic’-it’s an homage to the 80’s music witch-hunts.
The band recently performed with ex-Dwarves/Queens of the Stone Age, bassist, Nick Oliveri on his run of Irish dates. Tell us how that came about?
NEIL – We met Nick through a mutual friend Jason Hall from the ruined vibes label in the states. I’ve known Jason for a few years and we hit it off immediately when we met. Nick is a super nice guy, his work ethic is second to none. He’s a real music fan, and luckily for us he enjoys our stuff.
I understand that Nick joined you on stage during those dates. Did you guys talk about doing something together?
NEIL – Yes! On the Belfast date we played ‘Green Machine’ and ‘Ace of Spades’ with him, and he’s agreed to appear in the new album, which is obviously huge for us.
© Down The Barrel Photography 2023
There is a new addition to the band line up, making Lugosi a five-piece. Can you introduce us to the new bassist and also, tell us why you felt that you needed duel guitars?
We decided to go twin guitars after a conversation at the end of last year. I’ve always been a fan of that sound, and when Martin O’Hanrahan said he would be into it then it all just seemed to fall into place. He’s a tremendous player with a huge sound – he’s fronted the Motorheaders band for years, so he plays like Lemmy AND he can sing.
We can achieve a sound much more like the albums now in a live situation, as Alan plays the majority of the solos and rhythm when recording, and I played a chunk of the rhythm tracks too. We all get on too, which to be honest is the most important thing.
In light of the new material, has there been anything in particular that has been inspiring the band?
NEIL – We keep our steady diet of horror movies going throughout the writing process, a lot of ideas this time have come from comic books from the 70’s. Personally I have been reading a lot of witchcraft books, one in particular that belonged to my great Aunt Clara who was a white witch, “A Treatise on White Magic” by Alice Bailey. JM has an insane appetite for books, and he can go to that dark well anytime.
When do you plan to start releasing the new music and will there be an album, or will it just be single, by single?
NEIL – Yip, at least a single out by Samhain , hopefully the full album.
Lugosi will be performing in The Sound House in Dublin on Friday, July 28th with guests, Craven and The Coathanger Solution, billed as ‘The Devils Threesome’. Was this a show that you guys put together, or was it a collective arrangement between the three bands?
NEIL – It’s definitely a collaboration. Johnny from The Coathanger Solution was on to us to do a triple header with another band and we were very happy to do that. The way it worked out there was originally only one date that suited two of the bands.
We’ll be doing a couple of these each year and probably in different cities and we’ll mess around with the line-up and format for some variety. We know both bands really well and it’s going to be great fun.
With regards to the underground music scene in Ireland, do you have any other bands that you would like to give a shout out to for our readers?
Debut Album ”Rise From the Grave’. Buy here.
NEIL – There’s loads dude, there’s tons of great talent in the Irish scene, and lots of acts we admire. Of note would be Easy Company and The Magnapinna from Cork. Craven is incredible. The Skunts from Belfast are unbelievable craic. Turfboy are kick-ass. Vendetta Love, and The Voodoo Kitchen. Can’t wait to hear from more Nebularis. Support your local scene. Hats off and farewell to the Audible Joes who are calling it a day, they are amazing.
Given the chance, who would Lugosi love to perform with?
NEIL – The Damned!
Catch Lugosi live in Dublin’s Soundhouse on Friday, July 28th. Support from The Coathanger Solution and Craven. Doors are 7pm with the first performance due for 7.30pm.
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