Opening up tonight’s proceedings are THE ONE HUNDRED, who take to the stage to a near packed venue. The London based four piece waste no time in kicking off the night with huge groove laden riffs, that pound the audience generating a combination of curiosity and enthusiasm. Vocalist Jacob Field, displays his ability to blow the doors off at the back of the venue wide open, with his range and technique of switching from melody to guttural, all the while spitting out RAP style verses here and there.
As each song finishes, THE ONE HUNDRED are clocking up rows of punters and pulling them into their hurricane. With a decent amount of touring under their belts, having opened for the likes of HACKTIVIST, the guys are a definite contender when it comes to some of the early slots on festival stages such as Download and Reading etc. Watch this space!
They take the Academy by the horns and proceed to deliver a sharp, tight set, that is dripping with enthusiasm, energy and well crafted songs. Had they had another ten minutes on that stage, they would have caused some serious damage. THE ONE HUNDRED are a band that is well worth checking out and are due to release their debut album later this year, so keep your ear to the ground. 4/5
For more information on THE ONE HUNDRED, hit this link.
With a now, full to capacity Academy, the house lights plunge into darkness and hysterical screams echo from every dark corner in the venue. As PAPA ROACH appear on the stage and burst into the title track from their most recent offering, “F.E.A.R (Face Everything And Rise)“, the place erupts!
With a who’s who of chart bothering hits such as “Getting Away With Murder, Between Angels And Insects and “Blood Brothers” the band are on superior form and look energised and stage healthy. Jackoby is frantically focused on delivering 100%, as he fist bumps and high fives the front row from stage left to right, throughout the bands entire set.
Jackoby is pitch perfect tonight and as he sweats buckets on the lip of the stage, guitarist Jerry Horton, bassist Tobin Esperance and drummer Tony Palermo, hammer out a flawless performance that sounds crystal clear.
More new material comes in the form of “Broken As Me”, which is received with just as much passion as the bands more seasoned back catalogue. “Hollywood Whore” and “Broken Home” cause mass jumping, crowd surfing and general non stop pit activity, as PAPA ROACH continue to command the Academy in true style. There is not a great deal of stage banter from Jackoby this evening, it’s apparent that PAPA ROACH just want to smash through as many songs as possible in the short time they have on stage and no body’s complaining.
Witnessing PAPA ROACH grinning from ear to ear during their set, displays a band that are having the time of their life doing what they are doing. Having been together for just over 15 years (feeling old yet?), they know how to work a crowd and if tonight is any example, they are very much on top of their game. When the opening chords for “Last Resort” ring out, even the venue security are finding it hard not to respond with easy smiles and slight head nodding. The venue’s capacity drown out the band practically throughout the entire song, which gives Jackoby a potential opportunity to rest his lungs. Does he take it? Fuck no! Shaddix belts out the iconic chorus with even more intensity than ever, proving his ability as a front man to be up there with the best of them.
As the band wind down their set with “Falling Apart” and “To Be Loved“, it’s job done! Drum sticks, picks and high-fives are dished out from the guys and as the house lights swell to their maximum potential, it’s another kick ass show bagged and tagged. Till the next time…..
Look out for our exclusive interview with Jerry Horton later this week on Overdrive.
Words – Oran O’Beirne
Photography – Steve Dempsey: Down The Barrel Photography © 2015