With the bands recent self titled release gaining outstanding reviews from the music press the world over, what can we expect from Satyricon when they grace us with their presence on November 12th?
Well, Overdrive caught them at this years Download Festival and have to say that they just smashed through a set of blistering compositions that would cause any aspiring musician to re-think how to approach the overall concept of writing music. Not afraid to push the boundaries of the genre that they have been classified too, Satyricon take tremendous care in delivering their music not only recorded but in a live situation to the next level and beyond!
Their commitment to heavy music has been tried and tested with a history that is laced with complicated and thought evoking sonic opuses. This separates them from the many other bands that have emerged trying to emulate what Satyricon have achieved and has defined them not only as the very few respected leaders of the now very commercialised Norwegian metal scene, but one of the few innovators of all the genre’s within heavy music.
Tickets for the Tuesday show are vanishing at a steady rate and we recommend that you get your grubby mitts on yours as soon as you can. You can get sorted from Ticketmaster, Into the Void and Sound Cellar. For more information, please head over to DME Promotions for all the latest with stage times, limited ticket sales etc.