Timebomb Sessions hits Dublin’s Pint on Saturday.

Posted on by Oran

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The Timebomb Sessions was founded by Kevin Kirwan in December 2012 and are currently about to launch their second event this coming Saturday May 4th.  The idea behind the project is to primarily bring the future of upcoming bands and solo artists in Ireland to a whole new level. 

Kevin explained that “In recent years, venues have been exploiting the very high potential of live music; the only problem is they have all done it the complete wrong way. Timebomb Sessions are here to bring you the best in upcoming music in Ireland with venues beyond compare, cheapest prices and memorable atmosphere.

With so many promotion companies in existence, not only in Dublin but all over Ireland at the moment, it has become apparent to Overdrive that a vast majority of the individuals involved are blissfully unaware of how to produce a professional live event. There is a tremendous amount of basic amateur promoters that are operating with no concept of how to treat the bands, let alone promote the show’s. With this in mind we were pleasantly surprised with Timebomb’s aims as published on the orgaisations Facebook page.

– Every artist who plays a gig in the TIMEBOMB SESSIONS will straight away see that they’re guaranteed remarkable organisation in everything from the smallest gig in your local to the biggest gig you’ve ever played.”
Kevin also explained that they are open to a vast amount of genres’ and  will work with all bands and solo artists no matter what style.

One of the main advantages when working with Timebomb Sessions, is that each artist has the opportunity to have their gig visually recorded by a professional. “This will boost any bands social media straight away,” explains Kerwin, “especially for those who are just starting off, playing alongside experienced bands that have been in this business for years. This will create a great atmosphere in any venue and will boost the confidence for any musician for other upcoming gigs. Most importantly it will give the acts a chance to go back over their live sets and change them to introduce more, take away stuff, and watch how they play and so on. Normally, you’d have to pay minimum €100/hour for a live recording – and that’s before mixing and mastering!

Timebomb have also explained that they will work with all venues to get the best promotions and experience possible for each artist and for the overall show. They work very closely with each band with the intention to help them reach their highest potential.

Details for the show on Saturday May 4th can be found below. 

To connect with Timebomb Sessions just hit this link: Timebomb Sessions / Facebook

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