Let’s Play Two is directed by renowned director/photographer Danny Clinch and produced by Monkeywrench Productions, Tourgigs Productions, Universal Music Publishing Group, Republic Records, FOX Sports and Major League Baseball in collaboration with Milkt Films and Polygram Entertainment.
With Chicago being a hometown to Eddie Vedder, Pearl Jam has forged a relationship with the city, the Chicago Cubs and Wrigley Field that is unparalleled in the world of sports and music. From Ten to Lightning Bolt, the feature film shuffles through Pearl Jam’s ever-growing catalogue of originals and covers — spanning the band’s 25-year career.
Through the eyes of Danny Clinch and the voice of Pearl Jam, the film showcases the journey of the special relationship — using the past and present of both the band and the Chicago Cubs through the music, the sweat and the eternal hopes of being both a Cubs fan and Pearl Jam fan.
“In my films and photographs, I love to explore the relationship between a band, their fans and the location,” Let’s Play Two director Danny Clinch explains. “When it happens that the main characters of your film are Pearl Jam, the Chicago Cubs, their fans, and Wrigley Field during a historic moment, you know it’s going to be epic. Our instincts were correct to follow the story and it took us to a historic Game 7 of the World Series ending a 108-year drought for the Cubs. I have learned to welcome the unexpected and it always pays off if you’re ready for it.”
Serving as the film’s theatrical premiere, Ten Club will host special members-only screenings of Let’s Play Two at Metro in Chicago’s Wrigleyville neighbourhood on Wednesday, September 27th and Thursday, September 28th.
In partnership with Abramorama, Let’s Play Two will then enjoy week-long worldwide theatrical engagements in select markets starting on September 29th in addition to special one night only theatrical events beginning on October 3rd.
The soundtrack and home video of the film will be released globally by Republic Records, with the soundtrack released simultaneously to the film on September 29th and home video following with a release on November 17th.
The soundtrack is available for order now at here and will be available for pre-order via all digital retailers on August 25th. The home video will be available for pre-order on September 29th. The film’s U.S. television premiere airs on FS1 on Friday, October 13th immediately following Game 1 of the American League Championship Series. More details on each partnership below and more to come at this location.
Director Danny Clinch and Milkt Executive Producer Lindha Narvaez have been a director/production team on film projects for 15 years including Pearl Jam live concert film Immagine in Cornice (2007) and various Pearl Jam EPKs throughout the years.
Danny, Lindha and Let’s Play Two cinematographers Vance Burberry and Josh Goleman as well as editor Taryn Gould collaborated with Pearl Jam to produce content for the release of 2013’s, Lightning Bolt including a short film and music video for “Mind Your Manners.”
Abramorama will release Let’s Play Two theatrically kicking off with week-long engagements in select markets worldwide starting on September 29th. Additionally, over 250 cities worldwide will host special one night only theatrical events starting on October 3rd. For a full list of cities, to purchase tickets and to sign up for more details on events to come, visit this link.
This marks the third time that Abramorama and Pearl Jam have collaborated on a theatrical release. In 2007, Abramorama released Immagine in Cornice – Danny Clinch’s live concert film documenting Pearl Jam’s 2006 tour of Italy – and in 2011, Abramorama released Cameron Crowe’s retrospective documentary, Pearl Jam Twenty.
Republic Records will release the Let’s Play Two soundtrack on September 29th in conjunction with the film’s theatrical release. The soundtrack will be released in vinyl, CD and digital formats. It is available for pre-order now atpearljam.com and will be available for pre-order via all digital retailers on August 25th.
The home video of Let’s Play Two will be released by Republic on November 17th. More information on home video formats will be released in the coming weeks.
Ten Club will release both Wrigley Field shows in their entirety as part of their Official Bootleg program on November 17th. Bootlegs will be available on CD and digitally here and streaming at this location.
To win either vinyl or CD copies of the soundtrack, simply share this post on your social media and tag a friend.
Oran O’Beirne