The Enigma Division are an Irish based outfit. Their music comprises of eclectic elements, most notably film score, synth-wave & progressive metal.
Their upcoming self titled debut album features 9 tracks that promise to bring a new perspective on cinematic progressive music with an emotive heartfelt futuristic vision.
Check out the new single/video ‘1977’ below;
The band features Conor McGouran (Xerath), Ronan Burns (Craig Walker), Ben Wanders (Xerath/Shardbourne) with guest appearances from William Alex Young (Defences), Derek Sherinian (Sons Of Apollo/Planet X/Dream Theater), Stephen Taranto (The Helix Nebula/Solo) and many more.
Conor McGouran – “The Enigma Division started as the brainchild of myself and Ronan Burns. We both have quite a wide range of musical tastes and the idea was to create a sound that combined all of those influences and make it our own. It’s become a sound we refer to as “Tech-Noir” as it incorporate’s our love for atmospheric 80’s synth music, film score and science fiction combined with extremely groove laden heavy riffs”
Stay tuned for more details coming soon.
Oran O’Beirne 2019